Some shapes I pinched out.
Created about 1 year ago
Track your daily reading word count across websites
Added ago
Zeli是一个在线阅读Hacker News和AI论文的中文平台,提供摘要和实时翻译,帮助用户快速筛选感兴趣的文章。它通过解析文章原文、重写标题、引用内容,并生成摘要,翻译成中文。
Write and preserve your blogs, thoughts, and notes effortlessly. Sync with GitHub for safe storage.
Auto Blur Face, Avatar & Name.
My name is Ke Fang, a former machine learning engineer(image/face generation) and now a self-employe...
PodFind.xyz并非ChatGPT,也不是播客搜索引擎。 它是一个试图让你借助播客来获取新知的工具。
Dolores: Your closest virtual friend. Dolores is an intelligent entity that can memorize your chat...
Queryable is an iOS app that allows you to find a photo in albums use a text description, completel...
寻隐是一个完全运行在本地的Core ML模型,让你用句子描述来找到相册里的照片。 你可以用任何你能想到的文字描述来寻找某张照片,它可以是一个场景(如:“雨中漫步”)、一种色彩("漆黑房间里的橘色台...
Whisper Notes: Accurate Speech2Text Transcription With Whisper Model. - No net required.
Do Not Type - Just Speak! The birth of this app is an attempt to avoid all scenarios requiring key...
This extension opens predefined websites on click, and closes non-listed domains on double-click. 单...
我经常需要在浏览器输入网址,而 Chrome 有自动填充功能,比如我输入'a',它会想要帮我补全'',这其实代表了对于字母'a'开头的网站,我访问最频繁的是苹果官网。
MemeSearch: Your Searchable Meme Library, Completely Free! Highlights: - It contains many of the tr...
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